Teaching Educators and Coming Home

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Who Are We?

JoCo Teach, a program designed to invest in and recruit diverse students seeking a degree as educators, provides a seamless pathway into the teaching profession. JoCo Teach students participate in co-teaching opportunities in local classrooms, attend regional and national teacher conferences, enjoy field trip experiences to high performing schools, and participate in paid internships for summer reading camps serving JCPS elementary schools. They also take college level courses through JCC and have access to JCC and NC  State academic advising, on campus enrichment opportunities, and academic support.  At NC State, students will be placed in JCPS for student teaching. These opportunities will provide students with the skills they need for a successful career in education.

Video Introduction

After an introduction to our program, students currently in JoCo Teach share their experiences in our program.


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Johnston County Public Schools

Students will attend Smithfield-Selma High School and enjoy the traditional high school experience while completing high school and college credits.

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Johnston Community College

During their Junior and Seniors years of high school, students will work towards an Associates of Science in Teaching from JCC.

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NC State University

Students who maintain a 3.0 will be automatically accepted into NC State's College of Education program.

What do We Do?

Teacher Cadet Courses

Students take teacher training courses their Freshmen and Sophomore Years where they learn about classroom management, lesson planning, and effective teaching practices. 

Hands-On Experiences

Students observe, help, and teach elementary, middle, and high school classes in local schools and attend teaching conferences and other field trips.

Community Involvement

Students serve as day camp leaders and tutors during teacher workdays and summer reading camp.

Click HERE to see all of the activities our students participate in.



JoCo Teach is part of Johnston County Public Schools, so it is free to be a part of the program.


Students interested in the program must complete an online application through JCPS by February each year. After an interview process, between 20 and 25 students are selected to participate and are notified in April.


Yes! JCPS provides transportation from your home to Smithfield-Selma high school.

Links to Scheduling Requirements

Associate in Science

Graduation cap with diploma on yellow background

High School Diploma

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Contact Details

Mailing Address

700 E. Booker Dairy Road, Smithfield, NC 27577

Email Address


Phone Number

(919) 934-5191 Ext. 5234